Monday, April 5, 2010

Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo

I've been remiss in writing on my blog lately. Partly to blame is the fact that I haven't had much to write about. That is ...until now!

Drum roll please ... For the very first time since moving to Texas 12 years ago, my sweetie and I finally attended the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Our good friends Joy and Scott invited us to go along with them so they could show us the "ropes". So now it's official! We can legally say we are from Texas! Of course I forgot my camera but Joy was kind enough to send me some of the pictures she took of all the festivities. I found some additional ones on the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo web site. It's amazing! Be sure to check it out. There's more where these came from.

Who knew these little calves could be so strong and stubborn! The teenagers were trying to catch one. If they were successful and could drag it back into a circle in the middle of the arena they got to keep and raise it for next years livestock competition.
Awhhh ...the Mutton Bustin'. One of my favorites!
It's hard to see but on the right side of this sheep a little 5 or 6 year old child is hanging on with all they've got and being taken for the ride of their life! They didn't last long and most were pretty brave in spite of being slightly trampled. Thank goodness for the protective gear! Most of them "cowboy'ed up as only a few were crying when the dust finally settled.
What a cutie!

Boy I would hate to have to change this tire!
It's amazing what the "cowboys" have to go through to earn a living. I'd have to say that the bull riders fared the worst on the night we were there. Only one managed to stay on for more than a few seconds. The night before we attended the rodeo, one of the bulls managed to escape into the parking lot and several wranglers had to round him up and get him back into his pen. Only two people suffered minor injuries along with two others who had to be taken to the hospital after suffering heart problems in all of the excitement. Yeah ...that would definitely give me a heart attack!

This is NOT a carnival pony ride!
After the rodeo ended the real fun began. Tim McGraw was the featured entertainer. He did a great job and we couldn't believe that he shook hands with every person along the entire perimeter of the arena while singing a couple of his songs. Yes took that long! Course Joy and I were both thinking the same thing ...Yikes! Imagine all of the germs that were being passed along, from one hand to another, and another, and another. It is cold and flu season after all. Shudder!!! If I had been down there instead of shaking his hand I would have passed him a bottle of hand sanitizer!

We had a great time and the Houston Rodeo lived up to all of the hype it receives year in and year out. Which means ...I don't think we'll wait another 12 years until we go again!

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